protecting people and places
Safeguarding Statement
At The Shield Safety Foundation we respect and value all children, young people and adults and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment. We believe every person should be able to participate in all our activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at The Shield Safety Foundation. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access our activities and promote the welfare of all by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.
1. Statement of purpose
2. Overview of the project's responsibilities
2a. The role of Trustees
2b. The role of the Project Manager
2c. The role of all staff
3. Policies, protocols and procedures
4a. Single Central Record
4b. Child protection procedures
4c. Safer recruitment procedures
4d. Activity delivery
4e. Visitors to the project, volunteers/ contractors working with the project
4f. Child missing/absconding from the project
4g. Risk assessments
4h. Arrangements for off site visits
5. Implementing procedures
6. Written Records
7. Referrals
8. Review of progress
9. Publishing the safeguarding policy
Categories of concern
1. Statement of Purpose
At The Shield Safety Foundation we are determined to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect children, young people and adults from harm. The following policy establishes our project's position, role and responsibilities and clarifies what is expected from everybody employed and involved in the delivery of activities. It is the aim of this policy to support the outcomes previously outlined the former Every Child Matters strategy. As such, this policy promotes:
Being Healthy
• Ensuring that children / young people are able to remain mentally and emotionally healthy;
• Supporting parents in keeping their children healthy;
• Supporting staff through well-being initiatives.
Staying Safe
• Ensuring that children/ young people are safe from maltreatment, neglect, violence and sexual exploitation;
• Keeping children/ young people safe from accidental injury and death;
• Working with agencies to safeguard children/ young people in accordance with current government guidance;
• Support staff, parents and visitors to our project by meeting Health and Safety statutory requirements.
Enjoy & Achieve
• Ensuring all children/ young people have the opportunity to reach their full potential;
• Encouraging parents to support their engagement/ learning;
• Support staff career progression through performance management and continued professional development.
Making A Positive Contribution
• Helping parents to support their child's social and emotional development;
• Ensuring children/ young people are supported in managing changes and responding to challenges in their lives;
• Encouraging children / young people to engage in law abiding and positive behaviour;
• Providing staff with opportunities to contribute to our programme of delivery.
Achieve Economic Well-being
• Support for families in maximizing their economic well-being;
• Support children / young people to access further educational opportunities;
• Assist parents to support their child's preparation for working life.
2. Overview of the project's responsibilities
We believe every child/young person should be able to participate in all our activities in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of every adult employed by, or invited to deliver services at The Shield Safety Foundation. This policy has been developed using the following guidance:
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Working Together to Safeguard Children
Disqualification under the Childcare Act
Early Years inspection
Inspecting safeguarding in maintained schools and academies
Safeguarding children, young people and adult's policy
Prevent duty guidance
Counter Terrorism and Security Act,
Serious Crime Act (2015)
Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation- procedural information.
As an organisation, we recognise that child abuse can be an emotive subject and therefore it is important to understand the feelings involved and not to allow them to interfere with judgment about any action that needs to be taken. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our children and young people by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.
As such, we will ensure that:
• The welfare of the child/ young person remains paramount.
• All children whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to be protected from harm.
• All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
• All staff (paid/unpaid) working on the project's premises or in community settings have a responsibility to report concerns to the designated staff.
• All appropriate vetting checks will be carried out for all adults involved in the delivery of our services. Information will be stored on our Foundation Central Register (FCR). The vast majority of adults who work with children act professionally; however, we recognize some individuals will actively seek employment or voluntary work with children and young people in order to harm them. Our safeguarding procedures direct all concerns regarding an individual's practice to be reported to our designated named staff.
2a. The role of trustees:
• The Trustee Board has set out its commitment to safeguarding in this policy and it will continue to do all it can to ensure
that the project is a safe environment for staff, children/ young people and members of the public accessing the site;
• The Trustee Board will appoint a named trustee for safeguarding and review an annual report on all safeguarding related matters;
• The Trustee Board will ensure that safeguarding is considered as part of all recruitment procedures;
• The trustees will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all statutory health and safety responsibilities are met. This will include
a timetabled review of all related policies and action plans.
2b. The role of the Project Manager:
• It is the Project Manager's role to implement the project's Safeguarding Policy with the support of the Trustee Board;
• It is the Project Manager's role to ensure there is a collective responsibility for safeguarding and that all staff and volunteers
are aware of the policy and related policies, protocols and procedures;
• The Project Manager will ensure there are 2 or more trained staff members with named responsibility for child
protection. (The role and duties of a designated name person is contained in our Child Protection policy);
• The Project Manager will ensure first aid is administered by suitably qualified members of staff;
• The Project Manager will ensure that all appointments panels have at least one person who has completed Safer Recruitment training;
• The Project Manager will promote safeguarding when overseeing the development of activities and all other aspects of project delivery;
• The Project Manager will ensure the on-going daily monitoring of the project site is maintained to ensure the safety of all who access;
• The Project Manager will treat all incidents of unfair treatment and any incidents of bullying or discrimination, including racist incidents, with
due seriousness. Any action taken will be guided by the strategic policy, specifically the Single Equality policy, ratified by the Trustee Board.
• The Project Manager will refer any concerns under Prevent duty to the named Single Point of Contact within the Police force.
• The Project Manager will ensure mandatory reporting of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is made to the Police in line with the
reporting procedures issued by the Government. (For further details please refer to the project's Child Protection policy).
2c. The role of all staff:
• All staff will be made aware of and have access to the project's Safeguarding Policy, protocols and procedures;
• All staff will attend annual safeguarding training;
• All staff will strive to safeguard children and young people in all aspects of the
• environment on-site and on off-site visits;
• All staff will be aware of the project's Single Equality policy, challenge any incidents of prejudice, racism or homophobia
and record any serious incidents, drawing them to the attention of the Project Manager, designated named persons and trustees;
• All staff will challenge the use of discriminatory and derogatory language;
• Employed staff will support volunteers during activities or on off-site visits;
• All staff have a responsibility to monitor and, where necessary, guide the practice of volunteers, visitors or contractors working
with us. Any concerns will be reported to the Project Manager and/ or Trustee Board.
3. Policies, protocols and procedures
The Shield Safety Foundation has a range of supporting policies, protocols and procedures to accompany this document which have been developed in accordance with national government and local authority guidelines. Policies can be accessed on our website or by requesting a paper copy. (Please note the project reserves the right to charge for such requests). All documents have been ratified by the Board of Trustees and are regularly reviewed. These documents include our arrangements for the following areas:
• Single Central Record (SCR);
• Child Protection procedures;
• Safe recruitment and selection processes including; criminal record check (CRC) vetting checks, enhanced check
for regulated activity (barred list check), Disqualification by Association checks and Overseas checks;
• Delivery of safeguarding as part of activities;
• Volunteers, visitors and contractors working on behalf of the project;
• Best practice protocols e.g. Child missing/absconding from the project/off-site visits;
• Risk Assessments including COSHH Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS);
• Arrangements for off-site visits.
4a. Single Central record
In line with Department for Education requirements the project maintains a Single Central Record (SCR) of recruitment vetting checks. It is used to log all safer recruitment checks, including details of CRC and/ or barred list checks.
Checks for the following people must be recorded on the SCR:
• All staff who are employed to work for the project;
• All staff who are employed on a supply or casual basis, whether employed directly by the project or through an agency;
• All unsupervised volunteers who have regular contact with children/ young people (this will include trustees who work as volunteers);
• People brought into the project to provide additional instruction/ activities but who are not staff members, for example specialist sports coaches or musicians.
Please note that as a result of the passage of the Protection of Freedoms Act (2012), some of the requirements (particularly around volunteers) have changed (from September 2012). The Act has removed the requirement to routinely carry out CRC checks on all volunteers, even when they work regularly with children. If supervised by a suitably checked person it is not required to request any CRC checks on the volunteer and organisation are not entitled to request a barred list check (known as an enhanced check for regulated activity). The project is entitled to request a standard or enhanced CRC disclosure certificate without the barred list check. The project can only request a barred list check for volunteers working regularly with children / young people in an unsupervised capacity.
The Act has also removed the requirement for CRC checks to be carried out for trustees simply because of their office. If trustees volunteer in our activities the above measures for volunteers apply. The Department for Education have published key documentation detailing all revised vetting requirements and the project will include any further revisions as necessary within our annual review process. The requirement to keep a Foundation Central Record has not changed as a result of the passage of the Protection of Freedoms Act.
4b. Child protection procedures
This Safeguarding policy should be read and implemented in conjunction with the project's Child Protection policy which details procedures for all matters relating to child protection. Our policy is guided by documentation issued by National government.
4c. Safer recruitment procedures
The Shield Safety Foundation fully adheres to the statutory requirements when recruiting staff. A minimum of one member of any recruitment panel will have completed Safer Recruitment training. All appropriate vetting and barring checks are completed prior to the commencement of employment and details are recorded on the project's SCR.
In line with Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 guidance (2015), all employed staff are required to complete and submit a disqualification by association declaration form to the Project Manager. A person is automatically disqualified by association if they live in the same household as another person who is disqualified or in a household where a disqualified person is employed.
Prospective employees will be required to complete the project's declaration form prior to commencing employment. The Trustee Board reserve the right to request that prospective volunteers also complete a declaration form.
4d. Activity delivery
A wide range of safeguarding topics are delivered through the project's core and enhanced activities. This includes our pastoral support/intervention. Details of activity content are regularly shared with parents/guardians who are actively encouraged to support their child.
Where appropriate multi-agency partners support this delivery.
4e. Visitors to the project and volunteers/ contractors working with the project
The Shield Safety Foundation has a Visitors to the Project policy. All visitors are required to provide photographic ID; CRC details (where required - see Visitor to the Project policy) and sign in. They are issued with a visitor badge which they must prominently display at all times. In addition the project issues guidance sheets for all visitors, volunteers, extended service providers and contractors to ensure they are aware of and follow our safeguarding procedures.
4f. Child/ young person missing/ absconding from the project
At The Shield Safety Foundation we apply strict measures to ensure the safety of children and young people. This includes measures to secure the perimeter and access into our buildings.
There is regular registration and full monitoring of children / young people throughout the day. Whilst strict safeguarding measures are in place, the project feels it is prudent to have emergency protocols in place. These would be implemented should the whereabouts of a child/ young person be unknown. All staff are fully aware of the project's Child / Young Person Missing and Child / Young Person Absconding protocols.
4g. Risk assessments
Risk assessments are in place and regularly reviewed for the following:
• All internal rooms, shared areas and staff areas;
• All play areas;
• All fixed equipment (indoor & outdoor);
• All moveable equipment (indoor & outdoor);
• Each visit off-site.
A COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) risk assessment is placed in the project's COSHH file for any chemicals used by the project. These risk assessments are formulated using product material safety data sheets (MSDS) as guidance. This file is maintained by the nominated project site manager Panna Petrolova. If visitors or extended service providers plan to deliver an activity they must provide a written risk assessment of their planned activity prior to delivery. The project will also issue these providers with any necessary project risk assessments.
4h. Arrangements for off-site visits
The Shield Safety Foundation has an Off-Site Visits policy and supporting protocols which have been ratified by the Trustee Board and made available to all staff. This details all the safeguarding procedures and arrangements for planning and delivering visits off-site. Copies of the policy and protocols are available on our website or on request.
5. Implementing procedures
An additional aim of this safeguarding policy is to ensure all staff at The Shield Safety Foundation are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse (see appendix 1 for categories of concern) and are supported by following the procedures. It is extremely difficult to determine if abuse has occurred and it is not the project's duty to investigate however, all staff will be vigilant.
Staff will look carefully at the attendance/ behaviour of children /young people and be alert for significant changes. Although children / young people may exhibit any of the following, abuse may not have occurred:
• Disclosure;
• Non-accidental injury, bruising or marks;
• Explanation given inconsistent with injury;
• Several different explanations for an injury;
• Reluctance to give information about an injury;
• A sudden change in behaviour - aggression, extroversion, depression, withdrawn;
• Attention seeking;
• Hyperactivity;
• Poor attention;
• Indiscriminate attachment;
• Frozen watchfulness;
• Anxiety/irritability;
• Abdominal pain/headaches;
• Poor self-esteem;
• Poor peer relationships;
• Act in an inappropriate way expected for age;
• Sexualised behaviour/talk or drawings;
• Self-harm/eating disorder;
• Reluctance to change for physical education;
• Failure to thrive;
• Poor hygiene;
• Recurrent/untreated infections of skin or head lice;
• Untreated health/dental issues;
• Frequent absence from planned activities or repeated lateness;
If staff observe any of the above, they will:
• React calmly;
• Not delay in passing on information and / or concerns;
• Where a disclosure is made, reassure the child/ young person that they were right to tell, that they are not to blame and
take what the child/ young person says seriously;
• Allow the child / young person to talk and ask only open questions. They will not press for detail, put forward their personal
ideas or use any words that the child / young person has not used themselves;
• Not promise confidentiality;
• Inform the child/ young person what they will do next;
• Make a full and written record of concerns observed, what has been said and action taken. Record any conversation/s
and facts verbatim in writing as soon as possible. Sign and date the report (it may be required as evidence). Staff will be
supported in doing this by the project's designated named persons for child protection.
6. Written records
Where safeguarding concerns are suspected they will be shared as detailed earlier and details recorded in a confidential written record stored in a secure locked cabinet. Access to such records is strictly controlled. The written record will include:
• The child/ young person's known details including name, date of birth, address and contact numbers;
• Whether or not the person making the report is expressing their own concerns or those of someone else;
• The nature of the allegation, including dates, times, specific factors and any other relevant information;
• Make a clear distinction between what is fact, opinion or hearsay;
• A description of any visible bruising, other injuries or any indirect signs such as behavioural changes;
• Details of any witnesses to the incidents;
• The child/ young person's account, if it can be given, of what has happened and (if appropriate) how any bruising or other injuries occurred;
• Accounts from others, including colleagues and, where appropriate, parents/guardians.
(Please note the project may not seek an account from a parent/guardian should it be thought that such action may place the child/ young person at risk of harm).
7. Referral
Sharing a concern will not automatically trigger the referral process. When the designated named person/s does feel it appropriate to make a referral, this will be made to the local Social Care - Child Protection Unit. Where concerns include vulnerability to extremism or being drawn into terrorism, referral will also be made to the Single Point of Contact within the Police force in line with Prevent duties.
In some cases, the project may need to protect a child/ young person immediately- in such situations, emergency action will be taken by dialling 9999. The Police are the only agency with statutory powers for the immediate protection of children.
We stress it is not the project's responsibility to investigate or decide whether abuse has taken place or not. However, any concerns will be raised and if deemed appropriate information will be referred to the appropriate authority immediately. This action will be discussed with parents/ guardians unless doing so is deemed to put the child/ young person at further risk. The best interest of the child/ young person is the project's paramount concern.
Please note: Bespoke reporting and referral procedures relating to Female Genital Mutilation were introduced in October 2018. For details, please refer to our Safeguarding- Female Genital Mutilation policy.
8. Review of progress
This policy has been ratified by the project's Trustee Board which has a rolling programme for reviewing all our policies and monitoring their impact. In line with legislative requirements, they will review safeguarding arrangements and this policy on an annual basis.
9. Publishing the Safeguarding Policy
In order to meet best practice requirements, the project will:
• Publish the project's policy on our website;
• Place an electronic copy of the policy in the staff area of the project's computer system;
• Ensure paper copies are made available on request;
• Raise safeguarding awareness through our newsletter and other communications;
• Ensure support is offered to parents/ guardians where English is a second language to help them understand the content of the project's policy.
Categories of concern
Neglect: The persistent or severe neglect of a child, which results in significant impairment of the child's health or development such as:
• Failure to provide adequate food, clothing or shelter (including abandonment or exclusion from home);
• Failure to protect from physical or emotional harm;
• Failure to meet child's basic emotional needs;
• Failure to ensure adequate supervision;
• Failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care.
Physical Abuse: Deliberate or intended injury to a child such as:
• Hitting, shaking, throwing, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating, or poisoning;
• Deliberate inducement of an illness.
Sexual Abuse: Actual or likely sexual exploitation such as:
• Use of force or enticement to take part in sexual activity, penetrative, or non-penetrative;
• Involvement in non-contact activities such as looking at or making abusive images;
• Encouraging children to watch sexual activities;
• Encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways;
• Any sexual activity with a child under the age of 16.
Emotional Abuse: Persistent or severe emotional ill-treatment or rejection, which adversely affects the child's emotional and behavioural development such as:
• Conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved or inadequate;
• Overprotection, limiting exploration and learning, preventing normal social interaction or imposing inappropriate expectations;
• Causing a child to feel frightened or in danger by the witnessing of violence towards another person whether domestic or not.