USD Transfer

Beneficiary Bank:
Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc

101001 Ubningla

Beneficiary Name:
The Shield Safety Foundation

Beneficiary Account No:
00 73 24 25 44

GBP Transfer

Beneficiary Bank:
Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc

101001 Ubningla

Beneficiary Name:
The Shield Safety Foundation

Beneficiary Account No:
00 73 95 35 56

Naira Donation (Nigeria Only)

Beneficiary Bank:
Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc

Beneficiary Name:
The Shield Safety Foundation

Beneficiary Account No:
00 72 31 90 05

To pay by Cheque, please Issue crossed cheque only in favour of the The Shield Safety Foundation. Acct No: 0072319005, Union Bank of Nigeria


Coming Soon - Paying by PayPal is simple and safer and gives you rest of mind.

What about Cash and Material Gifts

One gift to TSSF will provide care and support for both young and old and vulnerable families. You can support our work with material gifts, such as, teaching tools and materials, clothing materials, beddings, kitchen utensils, First-Aids Boxes, PPE, electronics, computers, mobile phones, communication gadget, free treatment for disaster victims, medical supplies, ambulance and patrol vehicles, temporary accommodation etc.

Thank you so much for your donation, however, we would like to acknowledge your donation by completing this form below. If you have any query, please contact us at:



Our stakeholders are our partners in business whose actions determine the outcome of our decisions, their influence and power can affect the success or failure of this Foundation, they include; Partners, Patrons, Corporate Sponsors, Board of Trustees and Advisory Board.

Partnering With Us

Partnering with TSSF, we believe that partnership is vital to addressing the complex issue of injury and death. Our partners may include individuals, donors, corporations, universities, religious organisation, hospitals, local, state and National Government, institutions, colleges and agencies, that can bring wealth of experience, capacities and financial support to TSSFNigeria to end injury, death and poverty. If you would like to join the fight against Injuries, deaths and poverty, please contact us at:

We work alongside local communities, governments, foundations, peer organizations, and institutional donors to address the causes and consequences of fragility.

Together, we harness our complementary strengths, resources, and networks to ensure that each community we work with receives the best solutions for their needs.

We take great pride in tailoring each partnership to help you maximizing your social impact and achieve your strategic objectives. In order to do so, we have a dedicated corporate team that personally follow up all partner correspondence offer strategic advising and can assist with any information. Please reach out to any of our corporate advisers and they can set up an informal chat to discuss our shared values and potential cooperation...We are pleased to work with partners globally, please contact us at:

"We work with corporations, institutions, and other agencies to more efficiently help underprivileged victims in need"


The role of our patron is to lend credibility and support. They don't play a formal part in our foundation, but they are usually listed on our letterheads, appeal brochures and publicity material to help raise awareness and support. This honoured and respected persons from around the world have endorsed the principles and goals of The Shield Safety Foundation. (TSSF). They have given the prestige of their names and positions to support the TSSF and to demonstrate the importance of the life-saving movement. For any enquiry, please contact us at:

Corporate Sponsors

We motivate corporate organisations to become involved with our charitable events, either as sponsors or cause marketing partners with lots of benefits including building the company's credibility and educating the public about its products, attracting customers to a retail store or particular products, changing or strengthening a brand image by humanizing it, and distinguishing the company's brand from competitor brands and proving company or product awareness and visibility.

Pray With Us

When you pray with us, God is able to change evil for good by your prayers, because God is unchangeable changer, and is a God of time and season. When God speaks everything hears, His word says pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. So, if we love Nigeria we should pray for Nigeria and God will hear, because he says when you are yet speaking, I would say HERE I AM. Every time we declare the word of God over any situation, we are committing God to action. By your prayers God can bring an end to every crisis in Nigeria and Nations around the world. By your prayers Nigeria can become a Nation to be envied. We can not keep quiet and expect things to change.

Father, we thank you for your hand of mercy upon these nation, upholding and sustaining this nation since inception of her independence till date. Lamentation 3:22 ; It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree order, stability and serenity from henceforth in Nigeria as you continue to expose all perpetrators of evil and bringing them to justice; Philippians 4:6-7; Be careful for nothing; but by prayer and supplication with thnksgiving let your request be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Father, in the name of Jesus, recompense with tribulation all the troublers of Nigeria thereby leading to all round peace across the length and breadth of Nigeria - 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7; Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; And to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels.

Volunteer With Us

Your time and skills are valuable to us. TSSF is supported by many volunteers who are core part of our team. Our volunteering opportunities range from office work to event planning to public awareness and fundraising. Volunteering with us is an opportunity to develop new skills and make new friends; if you have time to give and the commitment to end conflicts, injury, suffering, poverty and injustice, we are keen to welcome you among our team.

Get in touch with us today. To find out more, please visit our website or contact us at:

Campaign With Us

We campaign to stand for the safety of our community, but we can only do it with your support, please share this information with your friends or raise awareness locally, these are the actions that win campaigns and help keep the community safe.

To join, contact us at:

Corporate Sponsors

We motivate corporate organisations to become involved with our charitable events, either as sponsors or cause marketing partners with lots of benefits including building the company's credibility and educating the public about its products, attracting customers to a retail store or particular products, changing or strengthening a brand image by humanizing it, and distinguishing the company's brand from competitor brands and proving company or product awareness and visibility. Contact us at

Why we needed to act fast?

Together, we can reach thousands of young and old people every year, providing a range of direct services, information and advice to promote safety culture, interest and wellbeing of young and old in different ways every day.

We work to give every child the same chance in life, if disaster strikes we are there to protect families and their property. To join our community, please call us on +234 805 945 8612 or Email us at:

Sponsor Child Education

These children are all different - they have different stories, different needs and different dreams. But they all need loving relationship to know they are accepted for who they are. Which is why child sponsorship is so much more than a $50 monthly donation, it helps a child feel different and part of a wider family across the world

Sponsorship donation will provide food, clothes, education, healthcare and in some cases a loving home.

Email us at

Sponsor medical treatment

TSSF support financially to the individuals for their medical treatment and the expenses are taking with your generous donations.


Sponsor a drug prescription

People can often get help with the cost of their medicines from our programs. Some programs let people buy drugs at discounted prices. Others help people who can't afford any part of their drug costs



Join the community of passionate people just like you, raising awareness and funds for TSSF by becoming a First Responder Fundraiser; please contact our Corporate Team for fundraising options at: or join our WhatsApp Platform +234 805 945 8612


With Christmas and New Year just around the corner, time is a commodity that displaced populations. Hungry, without shelter, and necessities, millions of displaced people around the world require immediate humanitarian aid and assitance.


What about Cash in Emergencies?

Traditional aids delivery can be slow and expensive, and often, fails to consider the needs and choices of affected victim. Cash assistance empowers affected victim to make their own decisions, harnesses the efficiencies of the market and supports the recovery of local economics in crisis.


Help us raise awareness!

There are lots of ways to get involved and your help will make a huge difference to our community work, helping to raise awareness and educate families on how to prevent injuries and live safely. To raise money for our work, please contact us at:

Our Commitment

We aim to deliver lasting change for the people and communities we work with. To achieve this, we need to be transparent about what we do, so our donors and suppliers can trust us to spend their money wisely and the people, communities and partners we work with can help make our shared work as effective as possible.

Why your support is so important to us

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Every year we needed to raise at least $2.5M to run our work in Nigeria to provide life changing community services

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15K Children and Families

Since 2016, we are proud to have supported almost 5000 children and families. However, this is just a fraction of the children and family who needed our help on daily basis.

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$100 make a big difference

If you raise $100, that's enough to pay for one person's feeding for just 2 weeks

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Food Donations

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Shelter & Accommodation

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